Chris Eccleston of Delmarva Veteran Builders, recently testified in Annapolis on behalf of House Bill 243

February 14, 2015


Ms. Mary Beth Carozza

State Delegate, District 38C

Maryland House of Delegates


Re:  HB 243


Dear Ms. Carozza,


It is with great excitement I write a letter of support of your proposed legislation (HB 243) to increase procurement percentage goals of 0.5% to 5% for veteran owned businesses in the State of Maryland.  I believe this legislation will increase participation of existing veteran owned businesses already doing business with the State of Maryland, but also provide incentives for others to become entrepreneurs. In the case of veterans they have been labeled Vetreprenuers by the National Association of Veteran Owned Business Association, of which my company Delmarva Veteran Builders is a member.  This legislation will show that Maryland is taking national leadership on providing incentives and opportunities for our Veterans.


I am personally committed to increasing any and all opportunities for our veterans and have done so with the start of my business Delmarva Veteran Builders in 2013.  My company was started to bid on federal and State of Maryland construction projects that had small business goals or veteran owned business goals around Delmarva.  I have also taken another step forward by committing to provide veterans work opportunities through employment or subcontracting on my construction projects.  To date, four (4) of our five (5) team members are veterans and we have provided many subcontracts to veterans or other veteran owned businesses.  It is my opinion that we as a society have the duty to provide the American dream for our veterans and that is what drives me every single day.  They defended it and now they should earn and live it! 


To date, our company has landed several construction projects through the State of Maryland; however, most have been through the small business procurement program and not the veteran owned procurement goals.  I search on almost a daily basis for local and state municipal construction projects in the Delmarva area.  Since our start we have completed three (3) projects with Salisbury University and have an ongoing project with Maryland Department of General Services.  We also are waiting on another project to begin in the spring which is a new homeless shelter for Queen Anne’s County and Our Haven House ministries.  We are currently working for Gilbane as their general trade’s contractor for the new Salisbury University Academic Commons project.  As you can see, Delmarva Veteran Builders is a growing company started first-hand because of Maryland’s veteran owned business program.  Passing this legislation will increase job opportunities for our Maryland veterans and Delmarva Veteran Builders is your proof.  This will allow us to have more bidding opportunities, more construction projects, and provide more employment or subcontracting opportunities for our veterans.



 Christopher Eccleston, President

Delmarva Veteran Builders

Jenny Kerr Schroen