Delmarva Veteran Builders Receives 2014 ABC Delaware Excellence in Construction Award

SALISBURY, Md. – November 25, 2014 – Delmarva Veteran Builders, the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, announced it has received a 2104 ABC Delaware Excellence in Construction award for the restoration work the company completed on the Wicomico County States Attorney’s Office building located on Main Street in the heart of Historic Downtown Salisbury, Maryland. 

Delmarva Veteran Builders (DVB) joined the Devreco development team to perform preliminary construction budgeting and constructability reviews. Once selected by Wicomico County, Delmarva Veteran Builders started construction in May, 2013 with a planned completion date set for March, 2014. The project instantly ignited a pride in ownership as the entire construction team lives and works in downtown Salisbury. 

“It is very exciting to be honored with this award being such a young company,” said Chris Eccleston, Delmarva Veteran Builders. “It is a testament to all tradesmen, 

subcontractors, designers, and owners on what teamwork and pride in one's work is all about. It takes many hands to renovate a building of that size and it shows the commitment and dedication of each member to deliver a quality construction project in our community. Congratulations to the project, design, and construction team for this award and on a job well done.” 

"This is a well-deserved award for a project that not only exemplified excellence in the construction methods and 

procedures, but also displayed how a community can come together in order to meet a goal and service a need,” said 

Joey Gilkerson, Principal Devreco, LLC. “The States Attorney's Office was in dire need to expand out of the courthouse in 

Salisbury. Thanks to Delmarva Veteran Builders, completing the project on time and on budget, we made this a reality." 

“Taking a 19th century building and installing 21st century amenities is no easy task,” said Brad Gillis, Principal Devreco, 

LLC. “However DVB completed this task on time and on budget. Our client, Wicomico County is pleased with the 

outcome and we have DVB to thank for implementing the vision.” 

The team spent months working with the States Attorney’s Office and Child Advocacy Center to develop construction documents based on the needs and wants of the organizations while maintaining the original construction estimate. 

Meetings with the future tenants to gather information on how the organizations operate on a daily basis were beneficial to the design and construction functionality of the building. This also gave the construction team a better understanding of the project and allowed them to work closely with subcontractors early in the building process which allowed DVB to deliver occupancy 90 days ahead of schedule in January, 2013. 

“This building helped improve the overall moral of the entire staff,” said Wicomico County States Attorney, Matt Maciarello. “We are within walking distance to our hospital, courthouses, health department, and social services, and all the other agencies we interact with on a daily basis this improves our overall functionality as an organization. With new access control systems we can now have more collaboration between local law enforcement agencies and our attorney's. Our new conference is large enough to provide training, all hands meetings and roundtable meetings with other departments.” 

“When treating children who are victims of trauma you can’t have a sterile atmosphere,” said Michelle Hughes, Executive Director, Life Crisis Center. “We were given the opportunity to give input on the space and share our needs. They listened and now we have a kid-friendly space that is calming for the children and their families. We now have space for all advocates to come together to help these kids tell their story. It is a dream come true." 

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Jenny Kerr Schroen