Light For Hope!

Share your house or business lit up! Use the hashtag #LightforHope or tag Delmarva Veteran Builders in your Facebook or Instagram post, videos or photos welcome!


A few days ago I sat down in front of the computer to prepare an update to our team at Delmarva Veteran Builders. Over the past few weeks I’ve kept a close ear to the news to track COVID-19, the virus that had quickly become a pandemic affecting the world and hitting close to home by creating uncertainty, hardships and anxiety amongst us locally on Delmarva.

I took a step back to think about the current situation. These are times of significance as a leader and a time for guidance, support and direction. What words could I offer my team? What answers did I have to their questions? What if I couldn’t answer those questions? 

As I sat and thought about every individual at DVB and how I could support them with my words, I was reminded that I am not the only leader here. In fact, I am the leader of a team comprised of leaders. 

Leaders of projects.

Leaders of quality.

Leaders of safety. 

Leaders of community organizations.

Leaders of faith groups.

Leaders of families.

Leaders of Delmarva.

Everyone reading this is a leader and in this moment of uncertainty, we need to band together because it’s no longer about what we can do for ourselves but what WE can do TOGETHER. This is a time for unity and a time for us to serve our commUNITY together because we are all leaders in our own right.

Here’s a piece of what was shared with our team:


This is a time to remain calm, do not make rash financial decisions, do not hoard, and do not be selfish. This is an opportunity to show each other how much we care, to show our community how much we care, to show our loved ones how much we care. They need you and US, to show them how men and woman who love and care act for others and not themselves. ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?

 I challenge you all to be Buffalos. Buffalos when faced with an impending storm, will change direction put their heads down and go directly into the storm. They instinctively know it is shortest path through the storm. Charge the Storm!!!


Reading this back now two days later, I find personal strength in this even more. As leaders of our own projects, organizations and families, we are part of something greater than the current state we are in. We are part of a commUNITY here on Delmarva and we ask that you band together with us to find hope in this fear because we know that hope is ALWAYS stronger than fear.

As Delmarva Veteran Builders continues to find normalcy during these hard times by serving our customers, we wanted to create a gesture that would inspire HOPE in our community.


Light for Hope

I was inspired by Creedence Clearwater Revival’s song “Long As I Can See The Light” 

As long as we can see the light in ourselves, each other and our community, Delmarva Veteran Builders will have a candle in our window as a symbol of strength, unity and resilience. So tonight we ask you to “LIGHT FOR HOPE” and put a candle in your window and know we are thinking of you.

Like the many generations before us, history has shown that we can persevere if we do it together.


Chris Eccleston



We asked people to light up thier windows at night as a way to show strength, unity and resilience. Here are some examples! *Turn the sound on if you can!

So tonight, we continue to ask you to “LIGHT FOR HOPE” and put a candle, holiday plug-in candle or holiday lights in your window to know we are thinking of each other- even though we are socially isolated! As long as we can see the light in ourselves, each other and our community, we know we can get through this storm.